viernes, 29 de abril de 2016


Our art project included a couple of art related stories by 
Peter Reynolds

The first one was THE DOT.

Today we listened to ISH and then worked on our draw-ISHes!

martes, 26 de abril de 2016

Art through new eyes...

 Mónica Capria came to school and gave us a marvelous talk about abstract art. 

We shared a wonderful afternoon. Thank you for your generosity, Mónica!

lunes, 25 de abril de 2016

Art through new eyes - 4th B Painting Day!

4th B in action!

We worked on different Art Styles and created our own pieces.
Assorted painting techniques: Pointillism, Expressionism, Impressionism, Abstract Art, Cubism, Pop Art and Post-impressionism.

jueves, 21 de abril de 2016

Ciencias Naturales

En las clases de Ciencias Naturales descubrimos que podemos encontrar seres vivos en todos lados. 
¡Hasta en las gotas de agua!
Estuvimos experimentando el uso del miscroscopio analógico/digital.

Observemos on PhotoPeach

lunes, 18 de abril de 2016

CrEaTiViTy iN aCtIoN...

4th A Works of art...

"CrEaTiViTy is an area in which younger people have a TrEmEnDoUs advantage, since they have an endearing habit of always questioning past wisdom and authority" 
Extremely proud of your works of art! I love learning from my students...

Art through new eyes

4th A Painting Day!

Delving into the world of fine arts we decided to try out these highly developed techniques.
Take a look at our works of art based on PoInTiLLiSm, ExPrEsSiOnIsM, ImPrEsSiOnIsM,  AbStRaCt ArT,  CuBiSm, PoP ArT and  PoSt ImPrEsSiOnIsM.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2016

Special Guest!

Lic. Maria Lopez Maruenda came to school and gave us a talk on healthy food.

One of the things we learned:

Art Through New Eyes!

Last week we started a new project.  Guess what...?

We know we have a lot of young artists among us and in a few days we'll have the chance to express ourselves... Be ready!!