We worked on different Art Styles and created our own pieces. Assorted painting techniques: Pointillism, Expressionism, Impressionism, Abstract Art, Cubism, Pop Art and Post-impressionism.
En las clases de Ciencias Naturales descubrimos que podemos encontrar seres vivos en todos lados.
¡Hasta en las gotas de agua!
Estuvimos experimentando el uso del miscroscopio analógico/digital.
Observemos on PhotoPeach
lunes, 18 de abril de 2016
CrEaTiViTy iN aCtIoN...
4th A Works of art...
"CrEaTiViTy is an area in which younger people have a TrEmEnDoUs advantage, since they have an endearing habit of always questioning past wisdom and authority"
Extremely proud of your works of art! I love learning from my students...
Art through new eyes
4th A Painting Day!
Delving into the world of fine arts we decided to try out these highly developed techniques.
Take a look at our works of art based on PoInTiLLiSm, ExPrEsSiOnIsM, ImPrEsSiOnIsM, AbStRaCt ArT, CuBiSm, PoP ArT and PoSt ImPrEsSiOnIsM.